Key concepts
Translation shifts =small linguistic changes occurring in translation of ST to TT.
Vinay and Darbelnet (1 958): classical taxonomy of linguistic changes in translation.
Catford's (1 965) term translation 'shift' in his linguistic approach to translation.
Theoretical work by Czech scholars Lev);, Popovir and Miko (1960s-1970s) who
adopt stylistic and aesthetic parameters of language.
Most detailed model of translation shifts:van Leuven-Zwart's,an attempt to match
shifts to discourse and narratological function.
The problem of the subjectivity of the invariant that is used to compare ST and TT
Since the 19505, there has been a variety of linguistic approaches to the
analysis of translation that have proposed detailed lists or taxonomies in an
effort to categorize the translation process. The scope of this book necessarily
restricts us to describing a small number of the best-known and most
representative models. Thus, the focus in this chapter is on the following
, three models:1 Vinay and Darbelnet's taxonomy in Styiistiqw cornpuree d i ~fr an~aise t de
l'anglais (1958195)' which is the classical model and one which has had a
very wide impact;
2 Catford's (1965) linguistic approach, which included the introduction of
the term 'shift' of translation;
3 van Leuven-Zwart's (1989, 1990) very detailed model, designed for the
analysis of the key concept of small 'microlevel' translation shifts and
the gauging of their effect on the more general 'macrolevel'..