Some difficulties can arise when
translating. One key factor is cultural sensitivity: Not only do
translators have to communicate the message from the source language
into the target language, but they also have to take into account the
culture of the target language.
In order to avoid
misunderstandings, translators have to look out for the lexical content
and syntax, as well as ideologies, value systems and ways of life in a
given culture – translators need to know their audience in both
languages and also consider the variants of the target language, like
European French and Canadian French, among other things.
are a variety of cultural elements to take into consideration when
starting a translation. For example, the name of a company or a product
may have a damaging impact on its success. When rolling out a global
product marketing or branding campaign it is always important to verify
the connotation of the product name in a foreign language.
Humor may also be a problem as the target audience may not appreciate or even understand it.
style of the language and the target audience have to be studied
because the grammar, punctuation and vocabulary will be different if the
audience are, for instance, college students, or conversely, if a text
is targeted at an audience of older business professionals.
symbols and colors are important cultural factors too. Indeed, some
pictures, images, symbols and colours may have negative connotations in
some countries. For example, white is usually associated with mourning
in Japan while in the UK, among others, grief would be denoted by the
colour black; icons used in computing are sometimes different like the
icon for “Mail” that is represented by a mailbox – but all the mailboxes
don’t look the same in every country.
Among pictures, for
example, even maps can have a cultural or political implication. For
example, the depiction of the disputed area of Kashmir between India and
Pakistan can sometimes cause a problem with the target audience.
and prejudices may be a problem since the social context is different
depending on the country. Translation and linguistic expression always
have to be viewed within the wider societal and cultural environment.
culture as expressed by food, for example, is always a true reflection
of a national culture. Translating food terminology can be done in a
great number of ways; and sometimes the translation may lose some of its
true meaning.
Gestures, habits, traditions as well as cultural
references have to be known by translators in order to correctly convey a
cultural equivalent in the target language.
Culture may thus be a
source of difficulties for translators. Beyond their linguistic
expertise, they need to have a thorough understanding of the culture of
the source language as well as that of the target language. At times, a
text with cultural implications may lose some meaning in translation or
information may have to be added because it is impossible to communicate
all the levels of meaning that a cultural reference may imply.
- Introduction
Translation is a kind of activity which
inevitably involves at least two languages and two cultural traditions.
(Toury 1978:200). As this statement implies, translators are permanently
faced with the problem of how to treat the cultural aspects implicit in
a source text (ST) and of finding the most appropriate technique of
successfully conveying these aspects in the target language (TL). These
problems may vary in scope depending on the cultural and linguistic gap
between the two (or more) languages concerned (see Nida 1964:130).
an important aspect is to determine how much missing background information should be provided by the translator
The cultural implications for translation
may take several forms ranging from lexical content and syntax to
ideologies and ways of life in a given culture. The translator also has
to decide on the importance given to certain cultural aspects and to
what extent it is necessary or desirable to translate them into the TL.
The aims of the ST will also have implications for translation as well
as the intended readership for both the ST and the target text (TT).
Considering the cultural implications for a
translated text implies recognising all of these problems and taking
into account several possibilities before deciding on the solution which
appears the most appropriate in each specific case. Before applying
these methods to the chosen text, this essay will examine the importance
of culture in translation through a literature review. The different
general procedures of treating the cultural implications for translation
will be examined as well as analysing the ST and the aims of the
author. The translation process will also be treated using specific
examples found in the ST before discussing the success of aforementioned
theoretical methods applied to the TT.
Although corresponding to cultural
categories examined, the title will be considered separately in order to
determine the pertinence of conserving, highlighting, or excluding
certain aspects. Due to these considerations, the title will be
considered after the other aspects as all other cultural implications
need to be examined before reaching relevant conclusions.
- The Importance of Culture in Translation
The definition of "culture" as given in the
Concise Oxford Dictionary varies from descriptions of the "Arts" to
plant and bacteria cultivation and includes a wide range of intermediary
aspects. More specifically concerned with language and translation,
Newmark defines culture as "the way of life and its manifestations that
are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means
of expression" (1988:94), thus acknowledging that each language group
has its own culturally specific features. He further clearly states that
operationally he does "not regard language as a component or feature of
culture" (Newmark 1988:95) in direct opposition to the view taken by
Vermeer who states that "language is part of a culture" (1989:222).
According to Newmark, Vermeer's stance would imply the impossibility to
translate whereas for the latter, translating the source language (SL)
into a suitable form of TL is part of the translator's role in
transcultural communication.
The notion of culture is essential to
considering the implications for translation and, despite the
differences in opinion as to whether language is part of culture or not,
the two notions appear to be inseparable. Discussing the problems of
correspondence in translation, Nida confers equal importance to both
linguistic and cultural differences between the SL and the TL and
concludes that "differences between cultures may cause more severe
complications for the translator than do differences in language
structure" (Nida, 1964:130). It is further explained that parallels in
culture often provide a common understanding despite significant formal
shifts in the translation. The cultural implications for translation are
thus of significant importance as well as lexical concerns.
Lotman's theory states that "no language
can exist unless it is steeped in the context of culture; and no culture
can exist which does not have at its centre, the structure of natural
language" (Lotman, 1978:211-32). Bassnett (1980: 13-14) underlines the
importance of this double consideration when translating by stating that
language is "the heart within the body of culture," the survival of
both aspects being interdependent. Linguistic notions of transferring
meaning are seen as being only part of the translation process; "a whole
set of extra-linguistic criteria" must also be considered. As Bassnett
further points out, "the translator must tackle the SL text in such a
way that the TL version will correspond to the SL version... To attempt
to impose the value system of the SL culture onto the TL culture is
dangerous ground" (Bassnett, 1980:23). Thus, when translating, it is
important to consider not only the lexical impact on the TL reader, but
also the manner in which cultural aspects may be perceived and make
translating decisions accordingly.
- General cultural implications for translation
Language and culture may thus be seen as
being closely related and both aspects must be considered for
translation. When considering the translation of cultural words and
notions, Newmark proposes two opposing methods: transference and
componential analysis (Newmark, 1988:96). As Newmark mentions,
transference gives "local colour," keeping cultural names and concepts.
Although placing the emphasis on culture, meaningful to initiated
readers, he claims this method may cause problems for the general
readership and limit the comprehension of certain aspects. The
importance of the translation process in communication leads Newmark to
propose componential analysis which he describes as being "the most
accurate translation procedure, which excludes the culture and
highlights the message" (Newmark, 1988:96). This may be compared to the
scale proposed by Hervey et al, visualised as follows:
(Hervey et al, 1992:28)
Nida's definitions of formal and dynamic
equivalence (see Nida, 1964:129) may also be seen to apply when
considering cultural implications for translation. According to Nida, a
"gloss translation" mostly typifies formal equivalence where form and
content are reproduced as faithfully as possible and the TL reader is
able to "understand as much as he can of the customs, manner of thought,
and means of expression" of the SL context (Nida, 1964:129).
Contrasting with this idea, dynamic equivalence "tries to relate the
receptor to modes of behaviour relevant within the context of his own
culture" without insisting that he "understand the cultural patterns of
the source-language context" (idem).
Source Text
- The nature of the source text
The text chosen for translation ("Les Loukoums chez l'Arabe') is an extract from La Première Gorgée de Bière et autres Plaisirs Minuscules (L'Arpenteur, 1998) by
the prize-winning French author, Philippe Delerm. It is a
self-contained chapter of a collection of similar extracts where the
author's intention to present certain aspects of French life in a
lyrical way presents matter for thought both culturally and
linguistically. The subject matter is centred around thoughts on Turkish
Delight and the Arab shop where this sweet can be bought, thus
introducing not only French, but North African cultural aspects.
Reflections on the subject, action and dialogue are all presented in the
same narrative form where the voice of the author is omnipresent. The
text contains several culturally-specific words and notions whose
implications for translation merit attention.
- The ideal reader
A question that needs to be asked when
considering a text for translation is for whom the original text was
destined and whether this readership corresponds to the potential TT
reader. Thus two types of ideal reader may be distinguished: the ST
ideal reader and the TT ideal reader. In the text Les Loukoums chez l'Arabe, this
notion may be seen as particularly relevant due to the literary nature
of the extract with the subject matter being specifically linked to
- The ideal ST reader
Coulthard (1992) highlights the importance
of defining the ideal reader for whom the author "attributes knowledge
of certain facts, memory of certain experiences ... plus certain
opinions, preferences and prejudices and a certain level of linguistic
competence." When considering such aspects, it should not be forgotten
that the extent to which the author may be influenced by such notions is
dependent on his own sense of belonging to a specific socio-cultural
These principles may be applied to "Les Loukoums chez l'Arabe" and conclusions may be reached concerning Delerm's ideal reader in the following way:
Certain facts. The author supposes that his ideal
reader has a knowledge of historical events and links between France and
Northern African countries as well as a certain cultural familiarity
with the customs of these countries.
Memory of certain experiences. The experiences in
this instance may be considered as contact with cultural situations
described in the text such as previous visits to the kind of Arab shop
described and other cultural elements (French town life).
Certain opinions, preferences and prejudices. In
this category may be placed the widespread French associations
concerning Arab immigration. Delerm does not seek an anti-immigrant or
racist readership yet inherent cultural prejudices are not avoided.
A certain level of linguistic competence. The text
chosen corresponds to the description of the average text for
translation given by Newmark, namely for "an educated, middle-class
readership in an informal ... style (Newmark, 1988:13). It may be
considered that the social category "middle class" may find an
approximate corresponding category in France. On a semantic and cultural
level, there are several potential problems for a reader not
corresponding to the criteria of the ideal reader.
- The ideal TT reader
Once the ideal ST readership has been determined, considerations must be made concerning the TT. Coulthard states:
The translator's first and major difficulty
... is the construction of a new ideal reader who, even if he has the
same academic, professional and intellectual level as the original
reader, will have significantly different textual expectations and
cultural knowledge (Coulthard, 1992:12).
In the case of the extract translated here,
it is debatable whether the ideal TT reader has "significantly
different textual expectations," however his cultural knowledge will
almost certainly vary considerably.
Applied to the criteria used to determine
the ideal ST reader it may be noted that few conditions are successfully
met by the potential ideal TT reader. Indeed, the historical and
cultural facts are unlikely to be known in detail along with the
specific cultural situations described. Furthermore, despite considering
the level of linguistic competence to be roughly equal for the ST and
TT reader, certain differences may possibly be noted in response to the
use of culturally specific lexis which must be considered when
Although certain opinions, preferences and
prejudices may be instinctively transposed by the TT reader who may
liken them to his own experience (in Britain, for example, comparing
Algerian and Moroccan immigrants to Indian or Pakistani communities), it
must be remembered that these do not match the social situation
experience of the ST reader. Therefore, the core social and cultural
aspects remain problematic when considering the cultural implications
for translation.
- The Translation Process
It has already been noted that the text in
this case is surely intended for "an educated, middle-class readership"
and, more specifically, a French one with knowledge of the foreign
cultural aspects implied. The problems when translating such a text are
therefore not only of a purely lexical character but also of an equally
fundamental nature - the understanding of a social, economic, political
and cultural context as well as connotative aspects of a more semantic
character. As with all texts of foreign literature, historical,
political and other such cultural references are always of a certain
importance and the TT reader is unlikely to have a full understanding of
such notions. When considering the cultural implications for
translation, the extent to which it is necessary for the translator to
explain or complete such an information gap should be taken into
account; on the basis of conclusions reached concerning the ideal TT
reader, the translator should decide how much may be left for the reader
to simply infer.
Taking these last points into
consideration, different elements will be discussed in relation to their
cultural implications for translation. The different aforementioned
theories will be considered and their relative pertinence examined.
- Cultural categories
Adapting Nida, Newmark places "foreign
cultural words" in several categories (Newmark 1988:95-102). Following
these categories, in the text "Les Loukoums chez l'Arabe," the
examples leading to cultural implications for translation may be classed
essentially as material culture, and as gestures and habits although
other cultural terms are also present. These aspects may be translated
in different ways according to their role in the text and the aims for
the TT reader. Newmark also states the relevance of componential
analysis in translation "as a flexible but orderly method of bridging
the numerous lexical gaps, both linguistic and cultural, between one
language and another" (Newmark, 1988:123). The two orientations in
translation examined by Nida, namely formal or dynamic equivalence,
should also be considered when analysing the cultural implications for
translation of elements in these categories.
- Material culture
"Food is for many the most sensitive and
important expression of national culture; food terms are subject to the
widest variety of translation procedures" (Newmark, 1988:97). The terms
coming under this category are further complicated due to the "foreign"
elements present. One such case is the reference to the brightly
coloured pâtisseries tunisiennes (l.17). Translating according to the French idea of pâtisseries
would imply using the English "cakes" or "pastries" yet in the context
of Tunisian culture this hardly seems appropriate bearing in mind the
difference in form of the TL reference. This illustrates the theory
developed by Mounin (1963) who underlines the importance of the
signification of a lexical item claiming that only if this notion is
considered will the translated item fulfil its function correctly. In
this case the translation as "sweets" seems to correspond to the idea of
the original signification, even if it is a more abstract translation
of the French original, and is therefore more appropriate concerning its
function in the TT than a translation of formal equivalence.
Another example of material culture includes an eponym, namely bouteilles de Sidi Brahim (l.42).
In France this low-quality, Algerian wine is widely known and is the
traditional drink with North African dishes, therefore widely sold in
supermarkets as well as this type of small shop. This example can be
seen as corresponding to the new ideal reader as described by Coulthard,
having different cultural knowledge (Coulthard, 1992:12) as an
English-speaking reader would not necessarily know the name of this wine
and even less its associations. By using strictly formal equivalence,
all meaning would be lost. It would however be possible to neutralise
the original term Sidi Brahim by translating as "wine" or else to introduce a form of componential analysis, translating as "cheap, Algerian wine." Sidi Brahim
being the area where the wine is produced, it seems appropriate to keep
the original term in the TT but it is necessary to add a qualifier,
here "wine." In this way, although the cultural implications are not so
strong as for an "initiated" French reader, the information is passed on
and elucidated by a qualifier. The cultural implications automatically
understood by the ST reader, namely the notion of cheap, low-quality
wine, are not however conveyed, the emphasis in this context being on
the exotic nature of the product as conveyed by Sidi Brahim and not on the low cost.
- Gestures and habits
Newmark points out that gestures and habits
are "often described in 'non-cultural' language" (Newmark, 1988:103).
In this extract many gestures and habits are implied yet not
specifically described thus making an entirely communicative translation
difficult. Once again, these are cultural references which imply a
certain knowledge of the way of life of the North African community in
France and of the attitudes towards it.
North African men, often working in groups,
are often caricatured by the French as being crafty. As well as this,
the popular French expression "un travail d'Arabe" used to
describe work that has been poorly done further explains popular
attitudes. Due to linguistic and cultural factors, lower class Algerian
and Moroccan men appear overtly servile in French society. All of these
factors are inherently present in the text, yet their full cultural
significance is difficult to portray without such background knowledge.
The possible lack of cultural knowledge of
the TT reader implies translating in a way so as to clearly convey
notions which may otherwise go unnoticed. The proposed translation of "obligeance" as
"obsequiousness" may overemphasise the strength of the original ST term
yet the mockingly over-servile attitude aimed at being conveyed by the
author is respected. When explaining certain principles of dynamic
equivalence, Nida states that "the emotional tone must accurately
reflect the point of view of the author" (Nida, 1964:139). Newmark's
definition of compensation, being "when loss of one part of
a sentence is compensated in another part" (Newmark, 1988:90) may seem
relevant here. By translating in this way, although culturally implicit
translation loss is inevitable here, a form of dynamic equivalence
through compensation is adopted in order to counterbalance such loss and
seems an appropriate way of conveying cultural implications present in
the ST.
The expression d'après le café
also needs further explanation. In French society, this would
immediately be understood as the time after the small expresso coffee
drunk at the end of a meal. As Sapir claims, "no two languages are ever
sufficiently similar to be considered as representing the same social
reality" (Sapir, 1956:69), and even a lexical item seen as having an
apparently simple translation (here, café =coffee) may have a
considerably different signification. The emphasis given by Nida on a TT
having to produce the same response as the original (Nida, 1964)
encourages the addition of "mealtime" as does the aforementioned theory
developed by Mounin. In this way, the lexical function is transferred as
far as possible in the TT as are the ST cultural connotations.
- Cultural references
Three examples of potentially opaque cultural references for the TT reader may be found in the text. The first of these is "un Berbère à petit beret bleu."
The author regrets not finding a typical Berber shopkeeper each time he
goes into an Arab shop, a notion full of cultural meaning given the
context of French colonisation of Algeria and Arab immigration yet of no
great cultural significance for the TT reader. The slightly ironic
touch portrayed by the image of a typical Berber man wearing the classic
symbol of a Frenchman, namely a blue beret, may not be entirely lost on
a TT reader yet without understanding the historical and cultural
background the depth of the irony of comic paradox may be lost. It does
not however seem appropriate to explore Nida's theory of dynamic
equivalence by replacing this image with a TL equivalent as the cultural
implications here are extremely specific. The text-type as well as the
definition of the ideal TT reader and his motivations may imply
preferring the use of transference or formal equivalence despite
translation loss concerning cultural implications.
Secondly, the term "kabyle" must
be considered. This is another reference which has strongly attached
associations due to the same cultural and historical factors and the
meaning is only fully understandable if these associations are known. A
literal translation of the text would be "...where even the red piles of
coca-cola cans have taken on a small, Kabyle look." An educated French
reader would have enough knowledge of Algerian problems to instantly
associate Kabylia with a fiercely independent community which has always
refused to be influenced culturally, linguistically and politically by
the surrounding countries despite great pressure. A communicative
approach implies an explanation of this cultural reference and may be
obtained by the addition of explanatory adjectives in the TT, thus
translating as "...even the red piles of coca-cola cans have taken on
that fiercely independent Kabyle look." This potential solution is not a
direct translation of the ST, however it enables the TT reader to
approach the cultural reference in a more meaningful way, yet again
illustrating Nida's concern that a TT should produce the same response
as the original.
Lastly, the term "boétien" needs
consideration. Transferring this term using formal equivalence would
have little cultural effect on an English-speaking reader and be of no
value considering the text-type and the definition of the ideal TT
reader. Indeed, Boeotians in Antique periods were considered to be a
nation of rough peasants lacking in culture. In French the term béotien maintains
this concept and although the adjective could be translated formally as
"Boeotian," the true sense would be lacking in the TT. The cultural
implications for translation require a full understanding of the notion
rather than an emphasis on the original SL reference. In this case an
appropriate translation would consider the use of a cultural equivalent
and the term "philistine" could be used to represent a similar cultural
- Lexical feature
As can be frequently found in literary
texts, lexical features present cultural implications for translation.
One example of lexis in this text which may have a different effect on
the ST and the TT reader is the reference "dans la fraîcheur du soir." This
would seem welcoming to a ST reader used to hot days where fresh
temperatures provide a welcome relief. To a British reader however, this
may not produce the pleasurable effect intended by the author and care
must be taken to convey the drop in temperature positively. By
translating as "in the cool of the evening," the same positive aspect
may be maintained on the TT reader as in the SL country.
- The translation of the title: "Les Loukoums chez l'Arabe'
The title of this extract may also be
considered as having cultural implications for translation. Considering
the titles of the other chapters in the collection, it may be noted that
almost all have cultural connotations and that this is one of the
author's aims. According to Newmark, in literary translation "the title
should sound attractive, allusive, suggestive ... and should usually
bear some relation to the original" (Newmark, 1988:56). This can be seen
as relevant here, the aim being to portray culturally bound aspects;
thus the title may be seen as conveying aspects of the narrative and
deserves further attention.
- Les Loukoums
Firstly, the word loukoums must be
considered. There are basically two possibilities when translating this
word, keeping the original term or using the wider known term, Turkish
delight, which may however carry a semantic incompatibility with chez l'Arabe. Loukoum is
a term that is used in English but probably by a smaller community,
those familiar with Oriental customs and countries, particularly Turkey
and Greece. It may be misleading to introduce such a term which could be
interpreted as an exotic translation using the scale presented by
Hervey et al, shown previously.
On the other hand, a translation where loukoums
are referred to as Turkish delight may introduce a widely accepted yet
false cultural notion, namely that such a sweet is primarily Turkish and
not something equally common to North African culture. In French no
other term exists, loukoum is a cultural word that has been transferred as such and French links with North African countries reinforce the notion of loukoums as a cultural feature.
In English the term loukoums would
need an explanation in the context of this text, destined for a wide
general readership. The cultural knowledge of the TT does not correspond
to the ST reader and it would therefore be difficult to justify the use
of loukoum instead of Turkish delight, a word
instantly understandable to the ideal TT reader and thus corresponding
more to the notion of communicative translation as defined by Hervey et
al (1992:31-32) and Newmark (1988:47).
- Chez l'Arabe
This part of the title has several cultural
implications to be considered when translating. Whilst conserving the
original aspect of the ST title, a non-French reader would not
necessarily react in the same way to the word "l'Arabe." As we have seen with the historical context, the French have obvious reasons to feel cultural implications when dealing with l'Arabe and
an average French reader would necessarily have a large range of
associations connected to the word, not primarily positive. Here, the
word refers not only to the ethnic origin of the shopkeeper but also to
the notion "Arab shop," a place which is always open and where almost
everything can be found. This notion deserves to be maintained although a
culturally bound translation loss is inevitable due to missing
background knowledge. To translate the title simply as "Turkish Delight"
would minimise the importance of l'Arabe in the SL cultural
context and reinforce this loss. This case may be seen to illustrate
Nida's aforementioned theory that differences in culture are often a
greater problem than differences in language.
It must also be noted that a qualifier must be added to fully translate chez l'Arabe. Several possibilities may be considered, ranging from "Turkish Delight bought from the Arab," "...sold by the Arab," "...bought at the shop of the Arab," "...from the Arab shop."
Considering the lack of background knowledge for the TT reader, the
last possibility may be the most appropriate, the idea conveyed by "Arab
shop" implying a notion of difference in French/Arab culture. Following
Newmark who claims "the additional information a translator may have to
add to his version is normally cultural (accounting for difference
between SL and TL culture), technical...or linguistic" (Newmark,
1988:91), it may in this case prove useful to explain further this
relationship by adding a footnote. An example may be "North Africans
have strong colonial ties with France and many have set up local shops
open long hours and selling a large variety of goods, both of French and
native origins."
- Conclusion
A variety of different approaches have been
examined in relation to the cultural implications for translation. It
is necessary to examine these approaches bearing in mind the
inevitability of translation loss when the text is, as here, culture
bound. Considering the nature of the text and the similarities between
the ideal ST and TT reader, an important aspect is to determine how much
missing background information should be provided by the translator
using these methods. It has been recognised that in order to preserve
specific cultural references certain additions need to be brought to the
TT. This implies that formal equivalence should not be sought as this
is not justified when considering the expectations of the ideal TT
reader. At the other end of Nida's scale, complete dynamic equivalence
does not seem totally desirable either as cultural elements have been
kept in order to preserve the original aim of the text, namely to
present one aspect of life in France.
Thus the cultural implications for
translation of this kind of ST do not justify using either of these two
extremes and tend to correspond to the definition of communicative
translation, attempting to ensure that content and language present in
the SL context is fully acceptable and comprehensible to the TL
readership. (Newmark,1988).
Bassnett, S. 1991. Translation Studies. London: Routledge
Coulthard, M. 1992. "Linguistic Constraints on Translation." In Studies in Translation / Estudos da Traducao, Ilha do Desterro, 28. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, pp. 9-23.
Hervey, S., Higgins, I. 1992. Thinking Translation. London: Routledge.
Lotman, J., Uspensky, B. 1978. "On the Semiotic Mechanism of Culture," New Literary History, pp. 211-32.
Mounin, G. 1963. Les problèmes théoriques de la traduction. Paris: Gallimard.
Newmark, P. 1988. A Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice Hall
Nida, E. 1964. "Principles of Correspondence." In Venuti, L. The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge.
Sapir, E. 1956. Culture, Language and Personality. Los Angeles: University of California Press.
Toury, G. 1978, revised 1995. "The Nature and Role of Norms in Translation." In Venuti, L. The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge.
Vermeer, H. 1989. "Skopos and Commission in Translational Activity." In Venuti, L. The Translation Studies Reader. London: Routledge
by Kate James
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