The Process of Translation 19
Introduction 19
The relation of translating to translation theory 19 :
کلا هدفش اینه که به نظریه ترجمه چهره عملی ببخشه و بین نظریه و عمل ارتباط برقرار کنه .
The approach 20
The textual level 22
The referential level 23
The cohesive level 23
The level of naturalness 24
Combining the four levels 29:
سعی کنیم هر چهار سطح the textual,
the referential, the cohesive, the natural: رو حفظ کنیم .
The unit of translating 30
The above translation has converted a dozen verb-nouns into verbs, which goes
against the noun-forming tendency of most languages but perhaps clarifies the sentence.
Below the sentence, you go to clauses, both finite and non-finite, which, if you are
experienced, you tend to recast intuitively (see Chapter 8 on shifts or transpositions) as in the
previous long sentence, unless you are faced with an obscure or ambiguous sentence. Within
the clause, you may take next the two obviously cohesive types of collocations,
adjective-plus-noun or verb-plus-object, or the various groups that are less con text-bound, (I
think Masterman's breath-group units may be more applicable to interpreters than to
Other difficulties with grammar are usually due to the use of archaic, little used,
ambiguously placed or faulty structures. You should bear in mindT however, that if long
sentences and complicated structures are an essential part of the text, and are characteristic
of the author rather than of the norms of the source language, you should reproduce a
corresponding deviation from the target language norms in your own version (as in Proust
The translation of texts 32 :
مسئله اصلی در ترجمه ، معادل یابی معنایی است و نه گرامری . مثلا ترجمه عبارات و ضرب المثل ها که مفصل در موردش بحث خواهد شد .
کلمات وقتی در متن قرار میگیرن ممکنه چهار حالت داشته باشه:
The translation of proper names 35
Revision 36